7th Pay Commission Rajasthan

S. No.SubjectOrder NumberOrder Date
1.Fixation of pay in the Rajasthan Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2017 of person whose increments have been with-held or whose pay has been reduced as a measure of penalty.F.1(1)FD/Rules/200526-Dec-2017
2.Amendment in RCS (RP) Rules, 2017 for Schedule-V (Advance Increment)F.14(57)FD/Rules/201721-Dec-2017
3.The Rajasthan Work-charged Employees (Revised Pay) Rules, 2017F.13(1)FD(Rules)/201709-Dec-2017
4.Grant of Dearness Allowance to State Government Employees drawing pay under Rajasthan Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2017F.6(3)FD(Rules)/201709-Dec-2017
5.Amendment in Rajasthan Civil Services Rules (Revised Pay) Rules, 2017F.15(1)FD(Rules)/201709-Dec-2017
6.Press Release for Rajasthan Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2017F.15(1)FD/Rules/201711-Nov-2017
7.Grant of City Compensatory Allowance to Work-Charged EmployeesF.13(4)FD(Rules)/201730-Oct-2017
8.Grant of House Rent Allowance to Work-Charged Employee having permanent statusF.13(3)FD(Rules)/201730-Oct-2017
9.Grant of Dearness Allowance (5%) to Work-Charged EmployeesF.13(2)FD(Rules)/201730-Oct-2017
10.The Rajasthan Work-Charged Employees (Revised Pay) Rules, 2017F.13(1)FD(Rules)/201730-Oct-2017
11.Freezing of Special Allowance admissible under various Special Selection RulesF.15(1)FD/Rules/201730-Oct-2017
12.Amendment in the Rajasthan Service Rules, 1951F.1(4)FD(Rules)/2017-I30-Oct-2017
13.Non-Clinical and Non-Practicing Allowance to Medical OfficersF.6(8)FD/Rules/201730-Oct-2017
14.Scheme for grant of Medical Concession to State Government PensionersF.1(5)FD(Rules)/201730-Oct-2017
15.Rajasthan Civil Services (Medical Attendance) Rules, 2013F.6(9)FD(Rules)/201730-Oct-2017
16.Grant of Compensatory (City) Allowance to Government Servants posted outside RajasthanF.6(5)FD(Rules)/201730-Oct-2017
17.Grant of Compensatory (City) Allowance to Government ServantsF.6(5)FD(Rules)/201730-Oct-2017
18.House Rent Allowance under RCS(RP) Rules, 2017F.6(4)FD(Rules)/201730-Oct-2017
19.Grant of Dearness Allowance (5%) to State Government EmployeesF.6(3)FD(Rules)/201730-Oct-2017
20.Fixation of pay of Government servants in the Rajasthan Civil Service (Revised Pay) Rules, 2017F.15(1)FD/Rules/201730-Oct-2017
21.Rajasthan Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2017 – Seventh Pay CommissionF.15(1)FD/Rules/201730-Oct-2017

7th Pay Commission Rajasthan