राज्य कर्मचारियों, होम गार्ड व गैर सरकारी कर्मचारियों की चुनाव ड्यूटी के दौरान मृत्यु होने पर पर एक्सग्रेसिया ग्रांट स्वीकृत

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राज्य कर्मचारियों को चुनाव ड्यूटी के दौरान कोरोना अन्य दुर्घटना में मृत्यु होने पर पर एक्सग्रेसिया ग्रांट स्वीकृत। 

  • (Ex-gratia grant to the family of persons other than State Government servants who dies due to Covid-19 while on election duty)
  • Short title and commencement.- 
  • (1) These rules may be called the Rajasthan Civil Services (Pension) (Amendment) Rules, 2020.
  • (2) They shall be deemed to have come onto force with effect from 22.07.2020
  • Amendment of rule 75-
  • (1) Inrule 75 of the Rajasthan Civil Services (Pension) Rule, 1996, the existing sub-rule(2), shall be substituted by the following. namely:-
  • (2) The amount of ex-gratia grant to the family of a government servant who dies in one of the circumstances mentioned in sub-rule (1) shall be as under:-
S.N.Clause/Rule Ex-gratia grantAmount of
1Under clause (a) to (b) of sub-rule (1)Rs. 20.00 Lac

Under clause (e) of sub-rule (1), –

(i) unfortunate event of death of the official.

(ii) If the death is unfortunately caused due to any violent acts of extremist or unsocial elements like. road mines, bomb blasts. armed attacks. etc. or if the death is caused due to COVID-19 while on election duty.

Rs. 20.00 Lac


Rs. 30.00 Lac

Provided that no extra relief shall be granted from sundry Government sources to families of deceased governments.


[googlepdf url=”https://rajteachers.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Ex-gratia-grant-to-the-family-of-persons-other-than-State-Government-servants-who-dies-due-to-Covid-19-while-on-election-duty.pdf” download=”Download” ]

होमगार्ड/स्वयं सेवकों /गैर सरकारी कर्मचारियों की चुनाव ड्यूटी के दौरान कोरोना अन्य दुर्घटना में मृत्यु होने पर पर एक्सग्रेसिया ग्रांट स्वीकृत। 

  • (Ex-gratia grant to the family of volunteer Home Guard / Civil Defence who dies due to Covid-19 while on Election Duty)
  • The State Government, vide order of even number dated 15.03.2017 and 10.07.2019 has provided guidelines, circumstances and amount of ex0gratia to the family of volunteer home guard/civil defence who dies on election duty/other than election duty or sustains permanent disability on election duty.
  • The Government is pleased to revise the circumstances in case of death on election duty, as follows:-
  • Amount of Ex-gratia: (1) In case of death on election duty:-
S.N.CircumstancesAmount of Ex-gratia grant
1In the unfortunate event of death of the official while on election duty.Rs. 20.00 Lac
2If the death is caused due to any violent acts of extremist or unsocial elements like, road mines, bomb blasts, armed attackes, etc. or death due to COVID-19 while on election duty.Rs. 30.00 Lac

Note: (I) This order shall come in to efect from 22.07.2020.

           (II) The guidelines,circumstances and other conditions for admissibility of ex-gratia shall remain unchanged.

[googlepdf url=”https://rajteachers.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Ex-gratia-grant-to-the-family-of-volunteer-Home-Guard-Civil-Defence-who-dies-due-to-Covid-19-while-on-Election-Duty.pdf” download=”Download” ]




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